Instead of a traditional, printed directory, the directory is in Realm Connect, in our church database. To sign into Realm go to the Realm website or the “Realm Connect” app which you can download for Apple or Android devices. You will need an account to access the Directory.
To protect your privacy and the integrity of the information in the database, you must be invited to create an account. All Grace members have been sent one or more emails with the link needed to create an account. If you have not seen one of these emails or if you have questions/problems signing in, contact Deacon Mary.

Who and What's in the Directory?
Being in the online directory means that Grace members can see your profile listed when they click Directory in the main menu. If someone is in the online directory:
His or her name and photo are always visible to other Grace members.
For other contact and personal information, Grace members will only be able to see whatever the profile owner chooses to divulge by means of his or her profile privacy choices. In other words, if someone is in the online directory but sets his or her personal or contact information privacy to “Users with permission only,” other members will not be able to view it.
Other members will be able to see what public groups this person is in. Groups are either public, hidden, or only visible to those who have permission. Group leaders and users with permission can determine these settings.

Who is not in the online directory?
Only Grace members who have given permission to be in the Directory are included. Those not included are:
People who attend Grace but have not given permission to be included by completing a “Pink Sheet” (member data form).
Anyone under the age of 18. (Children can be added to the Directory by their parent/guardian if their date of birth is listed in their profile.)
Inactive or deceased members.
Making changes to your profile data
You can update your profile whenever something changes, such as your phone number or address. You can also add any missing information, such as a birthday.

Click the blue box on the left under your photo (or the place it should be) to open your profile. It will open with your Contact Information. You can see the privacy level for each item. You can add a photo by clicking on the circle.

Click on Personal Information to make any changes there. You can see the privacy level for each item on both pages.

Don’t forget to hit “save” to keep your changes.
Making changes to privacy settings
Being in the online directory means that your privacy settings are such that other Realm users at Grace can see your profile listed when they click Directory in the main menu. Think of it like being in the printed directory that many churches used to publish.
Click the blue box on the right under your photo to open the profile settings.
Members with an account can change their privacy settings. (This does not apply to those with a family position of "Child"). Family members with a "Primary" family position—head, spouse, or similar status—can change privacy settings for other members of their family; those with the family position of "Child" cannot change their own privacy; those with the family position of "Other" can.
There are several privacy settings, each controlling who sees your information and what information they see.
Anyone in the church – Anyone who has an account in Realm can see all your profile information. (At this time this is only other Grace members and staff, but it is the lowest level of security, and we do not want anyone’s privacy to be set this low.)
Leaders & group/serving team members –All Grace members (your group) can see all your profile information. This will be the setting most members will use.
Leaders – Only those designated as a group leader can see all your profile information. (You will see a few groups in Realm now, but we are only beginning to establish groups. Look for more about groups later.)
Users with permission only – Only church staff and a very few designated Grace members in charge of special projects and activities.
· Custom Privacy – You can choose different privacy levels for specific contact fields and personal information. (This information is always visible to users with permission to view profiles.) For example, if you do not want other Grace members to see your address or phone number, set them to “Users with permission only.” Note about “Personal Information:” while you will see the year of your birth in your profile, only the month and date are ever displayed in the directory.

Remember to save any changes.
If you have any questions or need help with any of this contact Deacon Mary.