1. What is your ‘go to’ bible verse to get you through the busy holidays? Why is it special to you? James 2:14 “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works?” Since I was seven years old I have felt the need to help others, so I became a nurse and also volunteered in several nonprofit organizations while I worked and after retirement. As my faith grew I realized I was trying to abide by God’s will and l hope this keeps me mindful of the reason for this joyous season.
2. We’ve endured long hot days, hurricane season and hopefully a vacation (or two)! Share with us what you’ve been up to these last few months, from vacation, your reading list, to what’s cooking in the kitchen or recently created/crafted. This has been a very different summer for us. We had a family reunion trip that was cancelled due to covid 19 in the family. On a brighter note my grandson, his wife, and our 15 month old great granddaughter came to visit us from Chicago! What a blessing that was.
3. Now in its 76th year, who or what is it that moved you to help with the Grace Church Bazaar, and keeps you engaged, year after year? I am not sure why I volunteered to chair this 76th annual ECW Bazaar, but I have found that there are so many talented generous people willing to make this Bazaar a success. The funds raised will go to community organizations that provide services to our community’s women and children in need. The Bazaar is always a special place to find gifts and decorations for our homes as well as delicious foods made by our Grace families. I feel very honored to be a part of this endeavor.
4. Each of us have gifts and talents. Please share one or more of your gifts and or talents and how you could use them to help others at Grace and/or in our community. I am not a gifted craft person and look at a hot glue gun as a dangerous weapon! I think my talents are in organization and coming up with ideas. I hope that I am able to back the people who are talented and help solve problems as they arise. I do follow directions well.