1. What is your ‘go to’ bible verse to get you through the day? Why is it special to you?
A favorite, sustaining Bible verse for me has been, in the last few years, among others is:
“'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. '” -Jeremiah 29:11.
It reminds me that the Lord isn't finished with me yet, and that He has wonderful abundant life for me here, and beyond in eternity to come. He has plans for my good, and nothing can harm me contrary to His will. With Christ He has given me a future and hope in Him!
2. Summer delivers long hot days, hurricane season and hopefully a vacation (or two)! Share with us what your summer plans are, from vacation to what’s on your summer reading list, home project or a hobby. My plans, for the summer, are of course, up to the Lord's direction. My new home is here in Ocala as my permanent residence. I have been making improvements as I go along. I have a little dog, that keeps me company, and I walk her 2x daily, which is great exercise for me! I am committed to attending Grace's Journey group and am involved in 2 other Bible Studies in the larger community. I plan to continue my art practice, and privately tutoring students. If you would like to see my art and bio on my website, see it online: mcurryarts.com
3. What is it that Grace Church has, (like a secret sauce) that engaged you, and keeps you engaged, week after week? My interest in the Anglican/Episcopalian way is, I feel, a result of a slow drawing over many years. I come from a different Christian style of worship, so some of what happens during the service is still being discovered. Grace Episcopal Church is close to my home. Some of my favorite writers and theologians have been Anglican. I have long been a student of history, British literature, and culture. I am drawn to the beauty of traditional church architecture, and stained glass. I enjoy the high quality of the liturgy, the communion, the music, and the large amount of Scripture that is read. There is so much that is experiential that cannot be quantified. Usually, the Lord speaks to me in a close, deep, personal way in the service.
4. Each of us have gifts and talents. Please share one or more of your gifts and or talents and how you could use them to help others at Grace and/or in our community. I am involved in serving Christ in my daily life, as well as helping others in my community, as they cross my path, just as Christ did with people in His way. It may be through the gift of hospitality, a word encouragement, good counsel, or practical help that I am able to provide. "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10.
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