1-What is your ‘go to’ bible verse to get you through the day? Why is it special to you?
Romans 8:38-39 - For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Life can be very stressful at times. But St. John reassures us that God, and His love for us, transcends all our worldly problems.
Dave’s meaty WW friendly lasagna:
2 lbs mild turkey sausage, 2 lbs mild loose turkey sausage meat, 1 can or bottle sliced mushrooms, 3 jars spaghetti sauce to taste (lowest calorie brand), 1 lb. low fat part skim mozzarella cheese, 1 lb grated Parmesan cheese, 8 oz container fat-free ricotta cheese, 1 pkg whole wheat lasagna noodles
Slice sausage into 2” pieces; brown along with loose sausage meat; drain off grease; add mushrooms and spaghetti sauce and simmer while preparing other ingredients. Boil noodles approx. 10 minutes to desired stiffness; cut or shred mozzarella (or purchase shredded mozzarella); drain cooked noodles and lay them out with wax paper between layers; in a lasagna pan, first put a large dollop of meat/sauce mixture followed by 3 noodles; ladle meat/sauce mixture on noodles followed by liberal amounts of mozzarella and Parmesan and 3-4 scattered tablespoons of ricotta; smooth out with ladle and repeat with 2 more layers of noodles. Add cheeses and meat/sauce mixture on top and bake at 325 for 45 minutes. Slice into squares and serve with some homemade garlic bread. The recipe makes 2 pans of lasagna with each pan providing 10-12 servings.
3- What is it that Grace Church has, (like a secret sauce) that engaged you, and keeps you engaged, week after week?
As Verger, I have a love of ritual and tradition. When Janie and I arrived at Grace in 2009, the church’s motto was “An ancient tradition for modern times” and I was impressed by the liturgy and trappings of ritual, as well as the holy space which was the physical church and the great old hymns from the Hymnal led by Martha Slemmer every Sunday. Since then, some things have changed for better or worse, but we still find Grace a holy place to worship and enjoy the fellowship with our brothers and sisters there.
4- What was your most memorable experience in 2021?
I underwent a heart catherization resulting in the discovery of a cardiac artery 90% blocked and the installation of 2 stents. Among those on the team that discovered this problem was our Deacon Susan. And thanks to this timely intervention I can enjoy many more years of happiness with Janie.