By Father Brian+
The lectern is the podium from which we read during our worship services. Have you ever noticed the unusual shape of our lectern? It’s an eagle. A quite handsome one at that!
While Episcopal churches have varied reasons for using an eagle lectern, Grace takes a unique position: and that’s the truth!
Yes, the truth is what is proclaimed from our lectern. Truth read from the Scriptures. We read the Bible - an Old Testament reading, a New Testament epistle, and a psalm or canticle - from the lectern, and the eagle plays its part.
One aspect of truth is that it counters falsehood. While God speaks truth, the Devil speaks anti-truth: lies. The Devil played a role in taking down civilization when it spoke lies to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden masquerading as a snake.
But Jesus wins.
While talking with religious leaders, Jesus speaks about truth and lies.
Jesus said the Devil is “a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44, ESV). One of Jesus’ functions is to ensure that the truth of God gets to his people.
It turns out that the archenemy of a snake is an eagle. Eagles have the vision to spot a slithering snake. Eagles have the speed to avoid a snake looking to strike it. Eagles have the advantage over snakes because they are free to fly, while snakes are earthbound.
Thus, truth coming from the lectern dispels the lies of the Evil One. Truth flies freely out of the mouth of our readers into your hearts that need to hear it.
We come to church influenced by our culture, which is influenced by Satan. Our minds need to be bathed in God’s word, cleansed in the life-giving truths spoken by God’s people.
Jesus told those same leaders, “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).
Pretty cool, eh? Next time you are on campus, take a look at the eagle lectern, and be reminded that the truth has set you free.
Isn’t it great how God provides for us?